
Why Animal Farm is a Classic

I believe that Animal Farm is a classic because it has a topic that will last. George Orwell wrote this book as a parallel to when Stalin was ruling. That time wont be forgotten soon. His characters are all representations to people who were important to that time. For example: Napoleon was Stalin; Boxer represented the people under Stalin who were hard working and in this case naive; The annoying sheep were to represent the people who were lied to and manipulated and who fully supported Stalin. This is part of the reason this book is a classic, but I also think it's due to the theme. The basic, universal theme, is that power corrupts. This theme was evident throughout the whole book, and the fact that it's paired with a major time in history is what makes it last, and what will keep it going. I think everyone should read this book because it is a perfect example of what it's theme is, and also that you can really love and hate it's characters and get into the book, even though it is quite small. It has a lot to do with history, and if you take the time to look into what happened when Stalin ruled it will all make even more sense. You'll understand the allusions and how terrible everything was. I really enjoyed the book, and I hope everyone can have that same experience.

1 comment:

  1. Along with remembering Stallin's rule, isn't it possible that this book is also a classic because that return to power is always a threat. Power has been fought over since recorded history and probably before. We no longer fear Stallin and some people may have even forgotten if they don't have a solid historical background, but the fact that there will always be someone who wants to be in control and have power will always remain. Your book discusses this, and it forces people to either remember or recognize the fear of a new communist leader. It is a timeless thing, which makes it a classic.
